Have you ever woken up from a dream and wondered what it meant? Well, if yes, then you are on the right track.
The dream dictionary is the answer to the question. Dreamland can be both fascinating and terrifying; it is not always as easy to decipher as it appears to be. Most of our dreams are rapidly deleted from our minds after waking up, so they are also difficult to remember.
Normally, this matter is left in the hands of the dream research field, which is incredibly subjective and different from one culture to the other.
Each country has distinct superstitions and interpretations of dreams; for example, for a good period of time, people accustomed to believe that God is communicating with them through dreams.
Every symbol and image is analyzed to bits and pieces because the smallest things tell the biggest story and a dream dictionary can somehow clear the waters.
It is important to understand the meaning behind your dreams because it can contribute to your creativity and your artistic qualities, not to mention that it also enables you to discover more about your most hidden wishes and helps you improve furthermore as an individual.
Imagine dreaming about a plane crash right before going on a trip by plane. Without a doubt, it would interfere with your plans and no one wants an extra worry on their mind, right?
There are plenty of books, podcasts, sites, shows and specialized people that promote this concept and offer valuable information so as to help you get to the bottom of your dreams.
And now, there are even dictionaries that address the subject of dreams, dictionaries that can be found pretty much everywhere and within your reach. A quick search on a dream dictionary and you might be able to pinpoint several reasons that lie behind your visions.
People from all over the world dream confessed that they have the same recurrent dreams. They visualize instances when they are falling, when they are chased or unable to move, when they are flying or when they appear naked in public. But what does it actually mean?
These dreams cannot be just simple dreams and honestly speaking, no one would ever settle for such an explanation. In this case, the dream dictionary comes to your rescue!
Do you dream often about falling? No need to worry anymore! This does not mean that you will also fall in real life. According to the dream dictionary, falling can be a sign that you need to reconsider a decision taken on the spot, which may not be the most appropriate one.
Dreams about being chased suggest that a person desires to run from something in particular. Flying, says the dream dictionary, also indicates a deep longing for independence and freedom from social constraints.
Each one of these apparitions mirrors some segments of our day-to-day life, up to a certain extent.
A dream dictionary acts as a bridge between the hopes, fears, aspirations that appear when we drift off and the rational part in us that tries to find an explanation for everything, to answer once and for all what are dreams for.