It is hard to keep up the high standards without spending too much money and time, but it is not impossible. We have put together a list with the most important tricks every girl should know for a million dollars look.
Mascara will certainly hide expanding hair roots
If you dye your hair in the dark shade for sure you know how bad the growing roots look, you can temporary solve this problem if you just apply some mascara on your roots.
All-natural swirls can be accomplished without tongs
If you like natural-looking waves, but you don’t have always the time or special thing to do it, the solution is very simple just twist your dry hair and heat it with a hairdryer, but if you have thick hair, you should do more than one twist.
A pencil is helpful for curling hair
Another simple trick to curl your hair and you don’t have a curling iron is to twist your hair around a pencil and heat each twist with a flat iron.
A tissue won’t let your hair electrify
The static electricity it’s a problem when trying to style your hair but if you attach tissue to your brush it will stop accumulating hair and avoid electrified locks after combing.
Starch will certainly address the oily hair concern
If you have oily hair or your hair is getting greasy too fast we have a trick that will help you to solve this problem and keep your hair clean longer: all you have to do is to apply some starch or talcum powder on your roots.
A toothbrush will add volume to your hair
If you want to give your hair volume but you don’t have the specific styling products or dedicated shampoo, you can use a toothbrush and comb it layer by layer from the ends to the roots, and you will see a great difference.
Lavender oil can be valuable for your eyelashes
Lavender oil can be beneficial for your eyelashes as well all you need to do is to add 2 drops in your mascara, this trick will help to separate the eyelashes but also accelerates the hair growth. You will see the results only after a few days of use.
Scotch tape will certainly aid with eye make-up
The scotch tape is useful if you want to do a cat-eye makeup but you are a beginner. You can use the scotch tape as a guide when you apply your eyeliner, and to make it less harmful for the sensitive facial skin, just apply it first on your hand and then unstuck it.
A Q-tip transforms day-to-day makeup right into a night look
If you want to turn fast your natural daily make up in an evening one, just shade the eyeliner with a Q-tip and add your favorite colors to the picture.
Your make-up brush can transform its shape
For a perfect makeup, you don’t need to buy all kind of brushes, you can simply adapt your powder brush to your needs, for instance, if you clasp it with some a pin, it will become broad or narrow if you clip it with some rubber bands.
Forget all about lipstick on your teeth
The lipstick stains on your teeth are not attractive at all. If you want to solve this problem you can get rid of excess lipstick by putting your finger, a pencil or even a spoon and pull it out through the closed lips.
Aspirin will strengthen your hair and get rid of red spots
The aspirin tablets are very efficient if you want to strengthen your hair, or reduce or get rid of red spots. For your face make a scrub from two tablets of aspirin and a small amount of water, apply the paste on your face and wash it off after five minutes.
For your hair, crush two tablets and mix them into your favorite shampoo, wash your hair, as usual, it will not take look for your hair to become stronger, shinier and without traces of dandruff.
Band-Aid can repair your jewelry in place
If you don’t want you to hook earrings to twist and turn to fix them with a piece of Band-Aid to the inner part of your lobe.
Bra wires can also be concealed with Band-Aids
Protect your self from the sprung wire of your bra with a piece of Band-Aid placed in the torn part of your bra to hold off the sharp metal and prevent an unpleasant injury.
Antiseptic will certainly resolve your sweat concerns
The deodorant doesn’t always solve the unpleasant sweat smell that can occur because of bacteria spreading, you can prevent this unpleasant situation by applying some antiseptic on your armpits area.
Hair spray will certainly protect against sliding of your feet
Sometimes even the perfect pair of your can hurt your feet, to prevent the gap in the back of your shoes, just spray some hairspray onto the soles of your feet to stop them sliding forward.
Ground coffee as a scrub
We all know the benefits of coffee for the skin, most of the girls are using coffee grounds to exfoliate the dead skin cells. It has been proved that the fresh coffee it’s more efficient, richer in caffeine and antioxidants that nourish your skin and has a nice scent after you wash it off…