A fit body without cellulite is the dream of every woman, but many of them do not know effective ways to obtain it.
There is no reason to spend a lot of money on different products or Spa treatments, when you can learn how to remove cellulite in the comfort of your home.
You can get a fit body with the help of an anti-cellulite 30-minute massage you can perform just by following some easy steps. Once you learn how to do this massage correctly and you introduce it to your daily routine, you will be amazed by its results!
The right way to do this massage
The massage should be gentle. Be careful not to leave any bruises and avoid the sensitive areas like the inner surface of your thigh or the back of your knee.
You will need the following items:
- Body oil.
- A brush with natural bristles.
- A silicone cup.
- A body scrub with big granules.
How to perform the massage – the first method:
- The first step consists in the fact that you have to apply scrub to your dry skin and to move your feet upward.
2. The second step is also very easy: use the tip of your thumb and fingers to knead your skin (almost as if you were pinching yourself) for 10 minutes.
3. The third step is to apply oil and a silicone cup. You must be careful because you do not want to hurt or to leave bruises. Move the cup in a circular motion from your feet upward.
4. The fourth (and last) step is to use again the tip of your thumb and fingers to knead your skin (almost as if you were pinching yourself) for 10 minutes.
To be effective, you must do this massage 3 times a week for 10 minutes on each zone.
How to perform the massage – the second method:
- The first step is to massage your dry skin using a dry brush and making intense moves. Move the brush in a clockwise motion from your feet upward.
- The second step is to take a shower.
- The third (and last) step consists in applying some oil, and you have to knead the problem areas.
Perform this massage regularly and you will notice the results…
Do you know another effective way to perform anti-cellulite massage or have you already tried the methods above? Share your opinion in the comment section.