We know that every single one of us, girls, dreams of at least one designer handbag. Is that one handbag we have seen in the show-window and since that moment we have been saving money for it. But there are many retailers on the market that sell very good replicas that it is very hard for you to know if it is a real or a fake handbag. You have to pay a lot of attention to details because you do not want to spend your money on a fake handbag.
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We have put together a list of some details that you have to pay attention to in order to see if the handbag you are willing to buy is a replica or not.
Attention to Details
The biggest brands that are known all over the world give very big importance to details. There should not be any defects or imperfections. All of the stitches should be perfectly even, and there should be no loose threads. The real designer handbags are handmade, so there can not be any manufacturing defects.
Claps, Buttons, and Zippers
The quality of metal clasps, buttons, zipper pulls, plates, and locks should be perfect. They also should have a number or a name printed on them. Look for these small details they are a sign of authenticity. Even Hermes has the stamp logo “Hermes Paris made in France” and other stamps on the back of the flap indicating the year or the material used.
Rough leather is not a material used by big designers. Items made of leather should not be oily or sticky. The materials used by big designers are high-quality materials and some of them can be soft or flexible, but they always keep their shape.
Brand Names
Most of us are looking only for manufacturing defects when buying a designer handbag, but some fake handbags often have the name of the brand written incorrectly, in different fonts or with smudgy letters.
Serial Number
One of the most important marks of authenticity is the serial number. The label with the number is sealed and attached in a special way. It is impossible to remove without damaging the handbag. Fake handbags have a sticker with the number that is glued on a surface.
The packaging is also made of high-quality materials. If you buy an expensive handbag, it will be packed in an expensive package that has no defect. The additional accessories should be packed with the bag as a whole.
Distinct Characteristics
The biggest brands have their own specific characteristics. So before going to buy some designer handbag, do some research to find which the characteristics are. For example, an authentic Prada would never use a contrasting color for the lining compared to the exterior. And Dior is known for its unique bright red lining with the brand logo woven throughout…