We know that every single woman on this planet wants to have a harmonious body as close as possible to perfection. We all have some problem areas that we would like to work on in order to feel as good as possible in our own bodies and to be more and more confident.
Table of Contents
Because we know the struggle of wanting to look better and better every day, we have put together a list with some exercises that will help you achieve the amazing body you desire.
Round butt
Exercise 1
Initial position: Keeping your back straight, you should stay in your palms and your knees. The knees should be under your hips and the palms under your shoulders.
Exercise: From this position you should lift one leg that should be bent, to hip level and then let it down without touching the floor. This exercise should be done in 3 series, each of 10-15 moves, on each leg.
Exercise 2
Initial position: Lie down your back with your knees bent and your hands beside your body. Keep your feet at about 30-40 cm away from your body.
Exercise: Keep your abs tight and push your heels to the floor then lift your hips. Keep this position for like 2-3 seconds then lie back. Make this exercise in 3 sets of 15 reps.
Read also: Protein Diet to Lose Weight: How Much Protein Should You Eat
Firm breasts
Exercise 1
Initial position: Front leaning rest. Your shoulders should be over your wrists and your fingers pointing forward. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Your body should form a straight line.
Exercise: Bend your elbows to a right angle when your breath in and then go down. While you exhale go in the initial position. If you find push-ups hard to do, then you should make them on your knees. Repeat this exercise as many times as you can.
Exercise 2
Initial position: You need dumbbells weighing 2-4 kg each. Lie on your back with your knees bent and take one dumbbell in each hand. Your back should be pressed to the floor and you should keep your arms to the sides.
Exercise: Slowly lift your arms when you exhale, slightly bending your elbows until the dumbbells touch each other and them lower them in the initial position very slowly.
Thin waist
Exercise 1
Initial position: Lie down on the floor on your back. Bend your knees at a right angle and keep your feet flat on the floor.
Exercise: While inhaling lift your upper body off the floor, then round your back and try to reach your opposite knee with your elbow, repeat this move in the opposite direction, too. Your lower body should stay on the ground while you are doing the exercise. Make this exercise on three sets of 10-15 reps each.
Exercise 2
Initial position: Lay on a side on the floor. The freehand should lie on a thigh. The upper leg should stand on the edge of the foot behind and the lower leg should be a little bit ahead.
Exercise: Lie on a side and lean on the floor with the lower hand. With your legs tightly closed and your toes facing forward try to lift your hips and legs. When exhaling, straighten your lower arm and raise your upper arm to your other hand shoulder line. Keep this position for about 15 seconds and then relax. Repeat the exercise 5 times on each side.
Slender legs
Exercise 1
Initial position: Stand straight, put your feet in a position a little wider then shoulder width, then lower your shoulders and pull them back. Reach your arms forward.
Exercise: Start bending your knees slowly. Be sure your back remains straight and keep your shoulders lower. Make 2 sets of this exercise, 10-15 reps each.
Exercise 2
Initial position: Lay on your back and keep your hand along your body.
Exercise: You should lift one leg high and you should lift the other off the ground and keeping the leg parallel to it. Now change the legs slowly. Repeat this exercise 15 times on each leg.
Beautiful arms
Exercise 1:
Initial position: For this exercise, you need a low bench or a stout chair. Turn your back to the sit, put your hands on it and then bend your arms. Your legs should also be bent.
Exercise: Push yourself away from the seat, straightening your arms. Your body is lifted. Bend your arms, lower your body. Don’t sit down on the floor. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.
Exercise 2
Initial position: You need dumbbells for this exercise. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and the dumbbells in your hands. Lower your arms down, holding them in front of you with slightly bent arms. Slowly lean forward, but be sure your back remains straight.
Exercise: From this position, start raising the dumbbells up with both arms simultaneously. Having lifted the dumbbells to shoulder level or slightly higher, exhale and then take a small pause. After the pause slowly lowers your arms to the initial position. You should make 10-12 reps.
Meet the Experts
- Dr. Michael Greger – Dr. Michael Greger is a physician and author, best known for his work on plant-based nutrition and the book How Not to Die. He collaborates with NutritionFacts.org
- Dr. Marion Nestle – Dr. Marion Nestle is a nutrition expert and author, specializing in food politics and public health nutrition. She is a professor emeritus at New York University.
- Dr. Cynthia Sass – Dr. Cynthia Sass is a sports dietitian and nutritionist helping individuals achieve health goals through personalized plans. She collaborates with major sports organizations.
- Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian – Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian is a cardiologist and public health advocate researching the relationship between diet and chronic diseases. He is affiliated with Tufts University.
- Dr. David Perlmutter – Dr. David Perlmutter is a neurologist and author focusing on the role of nutrition in brain health and disease prevention. He works with Brain Health Clinics.