Dukan diet helps you lose 10 pounds in just 7 days with a medium level of effort and it promises you never gain them back. If you are interested in following this healthy regime, you should pay attention to what you eat. In this article, we inform you what are the proper foods in the Dukan diet.
Table of Contents
Dukan diet was created by the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan in 2000 and today represents one of the most popular and successful ways to lose weight. This program is based mainly on eating lean protein, oat bran, drinking a lot of water and make physical exercise (it is preferable to take a walk for 20 minutes a day). You can eat unlimited quantities of the allowed foods and it is necessary to limit the intake of carbohydrates.
Dukan diet has 4 stages
- The “Attack” phase, which lasts 1 – 10 days: you eat lots of lean protein, 1.5 tbsp. of oat bran and drink at least 6 cups of water every day
- The “Cruise” phase, which can last several months: you add unlimited quantities of non-starchy vegetables every day and eat 2 tbsp. of oat bran.
- The “Consolidation” phase, which lasts 5 days for every pound you’ve lost: you eat vegetables every day and add 1 piece of fruit, 1 serving of hard cheese and 2 slices of whole grain bread; you can have also 1 or 2 celebration meals where you can eat 1 or 2 servings of starchy foods of your choice (this means you can eat whatever you want on the celebration meals). It is allowed to drink a glass of wine every day.
- The “Stabilization” phase, which is ongoing and it helps you maintain your results after the previous stages: you can eat whatever you like, except for one day a week when you respect the all-protein rules from the stage 1 of the Dukan diet (the “Attack” phase) and you also eat 3 tbsp. of oat bran per day and take a walk of 20 minutes daily. It is permitted to consume artificial sweeteners, spices, sugar-free gum, unsweetened coffee, tea and a glass of wine per day.
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Foods which are allowed in the Dukan diet
During the Dukan diet, you have the permission to eat 100 type of foods (72 low fat and 28 low-sugar and low starchy vegetables):
- Beef meat:beef steak, fillet of beef, rump steak, roast beef, sirloin steak, tongue, bresaola,
- Meat offal: calf’s liver, kidney
- Veal meat: veal chops, veal escalope
- Game: pheasantgrouse, hare, rabbit, venison, partridge
- Deli counter: precooked chicken or turkey slices, precooked ham slices with the fat and rind removed, fat reduced bacon
- Poultry: poussin, chicken, chicken liver, turkey, ostrich, , guinea fowl, quail
- Fish: cod, fish roe from cod, bass Dover sole, Dab/lemon sole, crabsticks/ surimi, grey mullet, herring, pollock/ coley, haddock, hake,halibut, mackerel, monkfish, plaice rainbow trout/salmon trout, red mullet, salmon, smoked salmon, sardines, sea bream, skate, tuna, turbot, whiting , salmon, herring, mullet, swordfish.
- Seafood: mussels, crab, lobster, clams, crawfish/ crayfish, Dublin Bay prawns, calamari/ squid, cockles, Mediterranean prawns/ gambas,oysters, prawns, scallops, shrimps, whelks.
- Fat free Dairy: fat free fromage frais, fat free cottage cheese, fat free Greek yogurt,fat free milk, fat free quark/ plain yogurt.
- Eggs: hen’s eggs, quail’s eggs
- Vegetarian protein: tofu
- Vegetables: asparagus, artichoke, beetroot, aubergine (eggplant), cabbage: white/ red/ Savoy/ cauliflower/ Chinese leaves/ kohlrabi/ Brussels sprouts; broccoli/ purple sprouting broccoli, salad leaves: all types of lettuce/ rocket/ watercress/ alfalfa/ curly endive/ sorrel, soya beans sprouts, spinach, Swiss chard, tomatoes, turnip; carrot, celery/celeriac, courgette (zucchini), cucumber, chicory, fennel,French beans/string beans/mange tout, leek, onion, mushrooms, palm hearts, peppers (sweet), pumpkin/ marrow/ squash, radish, rhubarb.